Hey! Ever wonder why Mussolini became a fascist?
Well...as the 19th century ended, it was starting to become apparent that the workers of the world weren’t about to up and unite with any sort of spontaneity. This was a problem.
Come the beginning of the 20th century...something curious happened. With the outbreak of the First World War - countries were curiously quick to rally behind their nation in the name of patriotism. National pride. This happened literally across Europe...even among steadfast Marxists.
Mussolini saw this and got an idea. Tho the workers of the world wouldn’t unite spontaneously on an international level in the name of class war - they did unite, across the board, bourgeoisie to proletariat, behind their nation. Mussolini thot ‘perhaps socialism would be better positioned for success if it worked on a national rather than international scale.’
For some odd reason...the socialist party of Italy took issue with this. Despite Socialists in every other European country getting behind their home nation in the Great War - Italian Marxist wankers decided that Mussolini was a heretic - and they kicked his ass out of the party.
Now on the street and without a party to call his own…Mussolini decided to go solo and he got behind a nationalist movement known as ‘fascism’ after the Italian word for a group of Trade Unions. The movement became the Fascist Party and it worked well for Mussolini…particularly because of its nationalist framework and ideological fervor. Mussolini thought that by strategically uniting all Italian Trade Unions under the Italian flag, the state could be leveraged as needed from the top towards the benefit of the proletariat. Much the same way Marx had talked of the proletariat asserting control over the means of production, leading to revolution of the workers against their capitalist oppressors.
Mussolini sought to preemptively resolve this conflict through a nationalist revolution. This national revolution would completely subjugate industry to the state economy thru a system of associations that represented the nation’s economy. Further, this collaborative process attempted to resolve class conflict by mediating an ‘unbiased’ compromise between both employers & employee trade unions…effectively using state power to control & coordinate the inevitable socialist economy…not unlike Lenin’s industrial soviets.
By incorporating a state managed framework w/ total control, Mussolini could directly mediate between the workers and the bourgeoisie. From here he hold things together on a national level. This would allow him to raise wages for workers and slowly supplant the bourgeoisie with fair minded proletariat workers.
‘All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.’
This is what the fascist party of Italy attempted to do.
It is, in almost every sense, an attempt to orchestrate a socialist ideals on a national scale.
There is nothing more to the communist/fascist divide than this. Everything you know about ‘fascism’ as a ‘thing’, everything, has been the result of Marxist propaganda. The Marxist ideal is an international, spontaneous, workers Revolution.
This nationalist ‘corruption’ of The Great communist dream...is felt as an existential threat to Marxists - and they will lie in every way possible to bury the national version of these ideas.
It is so much more complicated than they want you to know.
AND…that’s the main take away from this:
Understand the true animus between the communists and the fascists....because, as with the schism - it’s better to paint your enemies as evil than it is to fight the truth - that it’s a question of doctrine, rhetoric and dogma.
Marxists love to muddy the water of words so that they can coerce and manipulate you so thoroughly that you don’t even know the nature of the problem...let alone the ‘other side.’
‘The Italian Left branded fascism a reactionary force in the service of the bourgeoisie. It would keep on saying so. History, by & large, has accepted this definition of fascism. But fascism was anything but a right-wing movement.’ - ‘Mussolini’ by Nicolas Farrell
Did you know...that ‘Corp’ in ‘corporation’...refers to body as in corpse? In the Italian sense it was not our modern idea of big business...it was about the body of government, the national BODY and incorporating industry brought it in line with the body of the state. In this way they WERE, by default, state run - as tho nationalized. This is why MussolinI said ‘all within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.’
Done, as Mussolini intended it to be done, in a socialist sense...it was, effectively, a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Fascists didn’t need to nationalize business as done in the USSR. Instead - they merged all business into its relevant ‘trade Union’. These trade unions were then merged into the large state - the government - so that there was no reason to nationalize a private owned business.
By enforcing and backing the trade unions with the full might of the state itself, these trade unions could rule their trades. And these trade unions could be further run by the state above. This creates a top down infrastructure that leaves full dictatory power at the top.
Thanks for writing this article. I need to write an essay in response to a Hedge Fund manager who thinks the National Socialist Party was not socialist... Because they lied like North Korea. Ignoring the fact that Germany overcame the restrictions of greater Europe and North Korea would not exist without China.
Hey, Just wanted to say this article is really fucking stupid, and you should your mouth.